Residential Land in Alcalá de Henares
Plots: 31.162 m²
Buildable: 44.950 m²
Services: Purchaser TDD

Special Plan for the Environmental Urban Development Impact in Leganés, Madrid
Plot: 7.000 m²

Industrial Land in Llica Dámunt, Barcelona
8 plots: 15.336 m²; 15.262 m²; 15.205 m²; 15.383 m²; 8.830 m²; 26.045 m²;
26.456 m²; 26.984 m² and 149.501 m²
Services: Purchaser TDD

Tertiary Land in Madrid.
Plot 1: 15.148 m². Buildable surface area; 33.327 m²
Plot 2: 72.157 m². Buildable surface area; 130.554 m²
Plot 3: 20.883 m². Buildable surface area; 44.309 m²
Services: Urban Development Project

Special Plan for the Environmental Urban Development Impact in Villaverde, Madrid
Plot: 5.984 m²